January 23, 2010

sun sun sun

I love Saturdays.

It's the only day of the week that Indy and I both have off from work and this particular Saturday finds all of us free to enjoy the day. To put a cherry on top, the sun is awake and shining which means, for the time being, today is perfect.

This morning I made a big breakfast for Indy, Mike, Flounder and me: the aforementioned Maple Bourbon French Toast extravaganza. According to the "Mmm's" and such, it appears to have been a success. I'll also point out that Jared is now half passed out in the recliner after eating too much and will probably be in a food coma for the next hour or so.

I love mornings like this. None of us have a thing to do today (except me, needing to mail Blake's present - moment to point out the 23rd birthday of HRH Blake Knight, The Plebeian Hedonist!!!) and it's exactly how Saturdays should be. It's already after 1 o'clock but the day is just beginning and there are endless possibilities - hundreds of 'em even!

Anyway, for now I'll call that a wrap. I'm going to finish my coffee and see where I end up today. With the sun as bright as it is, there's no telling what we'll get up to.

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