February 16, 2011

chilly down

Snow day, hail day... What's the difference here, really? The weather must be off its meds or something because schizophrenic barely touches on it. Waking up to a world of white was magical and reminded me of that first snowy morning I experienced here in Portland when Brigette, on the phone with Sean, comes flying into my room telling me to look outside. We then proceeded to dress like Columbia/North Face marshmallows and drop ourselves into the mountains of powder, creating our snow angel alter-egos and basically branding the apartment complex as our own. 

Still, by afternoon the frosting had melted off and the sun shone brightly enough to make even my little cave seem alive with the sound of music. After a couple hours of writing I gently nodded off on the couch only to be woken around three o'clock with a cacophony of hailstones the size of jellybeans (see photo above). And then? Oh, give it some time and it's back to chasing patches of blue skies

It's been a nice day though. And since Jared has class tonight, I'm on my own for dinner so I ventured into that 30 degree sunshine (well, partly cloudy sunshine) that I love so much to get a little steak and brussell sprouts for dinner. As I hiked up my stairs hauling my treats (including strawberries and Tully's coffee) I realized that I had never smelled anything quite a lovely as the air around me. Cold, clean, damp evergreens, a fire burning in someone's fireplace... If I could bottle that scent, let me tell ya. 

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