February 14, 2012

happy {belated} birthday laura!

My blogging brain was not functioning at full speed yesterday so I completely spaced when it came to finishing this post.

(uploading photos to post + running late to church + "oh, I'll finish it when I get home" + an emu-like attraction to shiny objects via my computer screen = I'm so sorry I forgot to post this)

And so, let me take a moment now (a day late) to wish my darling Montana girl a truly

Happy Birthday, Laura!

Can't emphasize enough how much I miss you - come visit us soon!

Lots of love at you... And of course at that husband and baby boy of yours, too!

photos by Brigette at John & Laura's wedding


  1. Those yellow cowboy boots are amazing. Amazing, I tell you.

  2. Those are such a sweet photos and happy Birthday to your friend:) Muah, sweetie.
