dean & robin


"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things:
Of beers - and hats - and stupid rats - 
of Autumn feasts - and zines - 
And why those jalapenos are so f***ing hot - 
And whether Dean says 'Theeeeenks!'"

I hope Lewis Carroll forgives me that bastardization, but my intents are noble: to promote literary endeavors! 

Here's the deal, kids...

Dean and Robin are ready to publish the newest issues of their zines (Earn Your Sleep and Bird Shit, respectively) and need our help! They've set up a Kickstarter page to raise funds and it seriously only takes a dollar to help out (and get your name in print! Yay! Let's ALL be famous!) and trust me, these cats know how to write. You definitely want to read what they have to say. 

But you don't have to take my word for it.