December 19, 2011

right on schedule (?)

My friend Justin posted this on everyone's favorite social networking site and I love it.

It's nice to have a reminder (and a voice of experience) that you know what? We're going to be just fine.

So long as we take a minute to relax, prioritize and focus on what really matters.

Personally, I've got a lot to work on but I also feel (presumptuously perhaps) that I'm on the right track.

And for me, it's not about finding a happy medium - it's about trusting my life in His hands. 

It's both.

In any case, I'm gonna raise a glass to toast this time in our lives because you know what kids?

These are the days. 


  1. Right now, I feel like wherever I'm at (even work) I'm happy to be there. You know why? Because I'm supposed to be. I'm so happy right now I could scream.

  2. These are your best days! Spend them living life to the fullest!
