June 27, 2013

Just give me all the pinot & salmon you have. Wait, wait. I'm worried what you just heard was, 'Give me a lot of pinot & salmon.' What I said was, 'Give me all the pinot & salmon you have.' Do you understand?

That incredibly long-winded title is just my way of explaining in a nutshell what my Monday night looked like. 

As luck would have it, the winery had two seats for representatives at the Oregon Pinot Camp Salmon Bake which meant when Wendy asked me to go, I was in no position to turn it down. 

I was bummed to miss out on a night with the boys ((Dean had a game night half-planned which meant everyone was invited over to drink good beers with good friends and end up throwing fantastic innuendos back and forth)) but as it turned out, they had quite a nice little Stag Night so it was actually quite the win-win from what I hear. And now that Robin is back from Indiana, Dean and Shamoo can go do something while the rest of the aforementioned fellas along with Robin and I will have a girls night. Win-win-win.

Where were we, oh yes, salmon...

Watching these babies get skewered up on the cedar was quite a production. The folks at the helm were absolute masters and I could have kicked myself for not having my big camera with me. 

Some day I will learn keep it with you at all times!

It was great to have the chance to catch up with some familiar faces in the industry, talk to a few of the winemakers, try some serious past vintage pinots ((a 1995 and a 1998 were especially of note)) and remind myself that yes, salmon is one of the best foods known to man. Amenandahellyeah.

And if you've ever been curious about what an entire case of wine looks like in one bottle, this is it.

Have some.

The night ended with a serious singalong and general hoopla. Just the way we like it in wine country.

Raise a glass!

Oh. And have a s'more... The fire's a-ragin'. 

June 26, 2013

that time shamoo was literally the only straight man at the party

Among everything else I've been all kinds of not posting on here, Andrew's birthday ranks pretty high on the list of regrettably untold stories. 

Only guy I know who could turn his birthday party into a fundraising event sponsored by Jager and American Harvest. But all for a great cause and $2,600 later we can chalk it up to a success, eh?

The venue was the rooftop hot tub of Andrew and Eric's building so, uh, holy-natural-lighting, Batman. Photo heaven. I barely had to touch the photos. But mostly I can attribute that to the fact that these are some of the best-kept men in Portland so really, what else would I have been expecting?

Best prom picture ever?

Moment to pause here and HOOT & HOLLER about the Supreme Court's decision today making marriages like Andrew and Eric's ((and Frankie & Matty's!)) legal! Huge step in the right direction of doing away judgement and discrimination in this country!

I should point out here that no girls at this party were wearing this shade...

...And that Shane was ironically dubbed the "designated nice person".


But seriously, their mama did a good job with these boys.

((also fun to point out that Shamoo is Eric's little brother))

Wine, Mt. Dew, various sparklies and glitter... Andrew, in a nutshell.

Oh hey! I was there too.

I wish I looked as good as that in my swimsuit.

In all fairness, they do say to keep it on ice.

When was the last time I mentioned how much I love this city? Really, that long?


Allie McQueen ((right)) taking fierce to a whole. notha. level.

"Oh my god, will you take a picture of me with the token straight guy?!"

Shamoo is famous.

Stalking her prey at the watering hole...

Roy and Cory! I like them.

"No, I can't! Be careful! And okay, yeah, we've got a wet t-shirt contest going on with my shorts right now..."


Like I said... The night was a total success.