snow dork

It started snowing at work around 10:30 this morning.

And it hasn't stopped since. Oh, and gale-force winds. 


Jodi sent all of us packing at 1, so after an hour and a half drive home (to go roughly 35 miles - midwesterners, you're welcome for that laugh) I am now right back where I've been the past three days and while I'm loving the snow, I really need to get out of the house.

But patience is a virtue apparently (is it really? how vital is it to be virtuous? scale of 1-10?) so I guess it's time to defrost the pork tenderloin I've got in the freezer and make a big, delicious meal for myself to snack on the next couple of days because it looks like we might be here for the long haul.

Stay warm, PNW.

Final word of advice:

Don't leave the beer that won't fit in your fridge outside to stay cold. 

I mean, it will stay cold, but this is also a small side effect.

Beer slushies for everyone!


  1. Welcome back blog! You look Fannnn-cy

  2. Stay warm! Good luck getting through the storm. *unintentional rhyming - sorry*

  3. I'm loving your blog's new look! And all the snow photos! And your boots! Please share where you got the boots! I think I need them in my life. Also, I miss you.
