I'm not coordinated enough for this

Mercy me, I'd almost forgotten about this debacle but my iPhone reminded me when I plugged it in to upload more recent photos. 

I've plunged into some pretty heavy stuff lately so here's a scene for you to entertain...

It was getting cooler outside. I think it was sometime in November. Maybe October. 

Robin and I were shopping (okay, yes, it was October) and I spotted these idols of obscenity at Forever 21. 

Now to preface: I have never been accused of being graceful. Along with the pain heels usually cause me,  my severe lack of coordination, and what I can only assume is a malfunctioning center of gravity, have proven to me that I'm best suited for flats and slight wedge heels at best.

So seeing these puppies first made me laugh but then curiosity got the better of me.

I tried one on.

I got Robin's attention and we had a good laugh. Then she turned sinister on me.

"Okay, I want to see you try both on. And walk."

Great sense of humor on that girl, I tell ya!

But the challenge was extended and the challenge was accepted.

Problem was, aside from the aforementioned mobility of a drunk llama on roller skates, the shoes were tied together with some stretchy little cord situation. 

... Let's just say I was better at standing still in those things than doing anything else.

And then I put my boots back on and walked away from my shame. 


  1. This post made me laugh! The title is my life story.

  2. Believe it or not my Uncordinated Sista', I am better in heals than in flats. Anytime I have ever majorly hurt myself, like tearing the tendons and ligaments in my foot, I stopped what I was doing in a pair of sky-high heals and put on what was supposed to be a safer-bet, my flat Converse. Nope, should have left the heals on.

  3. If I could have feasibly walked in those they would have been as good as mine (sucker for leopard print--guilty). Alas, my feet are at best two broken snow skis. Those shoes would have caused me to be a walking shit-show.

  4. you & i are definitely friends.
    decided. ;)
    love, leigh
