twice upon a time...

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Maggie and a boy named Mike.

They were born on February 4th and September 11th, respectively.

They met, decided they liked each other, got engaged, and will live happily ever after.

Once upon another time, there was a girl named Alyssa and a boy named Luke.

They too were born on February 4th and September 11th respectively.

And like Maggie and Mike, they also met, decided they liked each other, got engaged, got married and will live happily ever after.

They were, all four of them, dear friends and laughed often at these shared birthdays.

So on this, the mutual arrival date for both of these fair lasses, we celebrate Maggie and Alyssa.


Love you guys (and the guys who love you, too)!

(this of course will be revisited come September when the men come of age)


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